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"Success for only a few, means failure for all."


 I have lived through six inpatient hospitalizations and numerous emergency room visits while in manic episodes. Now in my twelfth year of recovery, I have created  a short, but effective manual to help with alcoholism, substance use disorder, and mental health concerns. This manual is an effective tool to start you on your road to Recovery.


Precipice contains ten short chapters with interactive questions to answer. Precipice also contains blank journal and sketch pages to explore your  inner workings and creativity.

Precipice: A Hazardous Situation


After thousands of 12 step meetings, Celebrate Recovery and Dual Diagnosed Meetings,

I began my peer support work in

2016. I have worked for a

24-Crisis Response Center, a

Detox and Crisis Stabilization Unit.  The CDC Foundation as a Peer Navigator and as a Recovery Coach.


Kenneth’s book, The Precipice Recovery Manual and Coaching Platform is an excellent roadmap for substance use and mental health disorders. Great for healthcare professionals, including social workers, therapists, peer-to-peer coaches, and other treatment center staff members. It covers 10 chapters and includes insightful questions for your client or patient to complete and discuss with you over 10 consecutive recovery sessions.

Tom O'Connor, Book Author "Discover Your Adult Child."


“The Precipice Recovery Manual has been a lifeline for me during my struggles with depression after losing my love and multiple family members to mental illness, drugs...and alcohol. I have also witnessed the pain of countless friends due to the loss of their children. Reading about someone else’s journey and recovery truly opened my eyes. Additionally, reflecting on my alcohol use—initially dismissing it as casual—made me realize it was becoming a problem. Armed with newfound knowledge, a plan, and the truth through the Precipice Recovery Manual, I’ve now completely stopped drinking.”   

Elaine Elizabeth Presley

Daughter of The King

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